Sunday, January 29, 2006

Lost and Found and Friends

I recently joined myspace because I heard one of my old friends was on there. So far I met a guy that started an internet cult with me in 1997 and my best friend from 1994. We live on different continents now, and probably won't start hanging out any time soon, but it's still nice to see how people are doing. Moving around a lot sometimes gives the impression that past friends and aquantainces have just ceased to exist. Finding them sort of confirms your past. Hopefully in good ways. It's like your own personal VH1 Where are They Now special. That is definitely one of the better parts of the internet. And sometimes it works out. I found my buddy from basic training (three years ago) and he just came in to visit last week. It turns out that he was going to be passing through when I happened to be home. So quit reading this shit and look up some of your old friends.


Man of Issachar said...

holy cow, did a search for our old highschool...there are some crazy MO'fos that graduated from there.

The infamous dancer is on there also.
he says he is straight on myspace...

Sandcastle said...

He even has a possibly ficticious girlfriend. Some people will go to great lengths.

Anonymous said...