Thursday, November 20, 2003

the continuing saga...

Bush looks weak but may still be tough to beat out for the Whitehouse. His brother is the governor of Florida, his most famous supporter just became the governor of California, and his dad used to run this country in front of the cameras and behind them, serving as both president and director of the CIA. All of those things hold sway in the electoral college. And we all know that when it gets down to it, that counts. Bush's chances would be greatly improved if he could capture either Saddam or Bin Laden, or even if he cut down the weekly soldier sacrifice to just two or three.
His oppenents still aren't looking significant. Dean is pulling off a better campaign than anyone would have expected, but it is only impressive until you compare it to the incumbent republican. His competitors are tearing into him instead of venting their rage toward the president, and they are hurting for it. Aiming for the little guy is a tactic of an admitted loser and everyone knows it. General Clark has nice credentials but comes off as a slimy opportunist by joining late and switching political parties. But we will see...

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