Monday, December 06, 2004

Mechanized human quadriplegic


"Last month, researchers at Brown University reported on the technology's success in a 25-year-old quadriplegic from Massachusetts.

After electrodes were implanted in his brain, the man was able to read e-mail, play video games, turn on lights, and change channels or adjust the volume on a TV.

The UW researchers are one of a handful of groups that have had success this year in implanting electrodes on the surface of the brain, said Daofen Chen, program director for neuro circuit research at NIH's neurological disorders and stroke institute.

"This (the UW work) is a significant development," Chen said."

via drudge



Dave Justus said...

This is cool. Welcome to CyberPunk.

Man of Issachar said...

hmmm, i am going to need some clarification on that one.


Anonymous said...

Opps...let my inner geek (well, not so inner) slip out.


Man of Issachar said...


I have known abou bmi (Biological Machine Interface) for quite some time, but what i was surprised at was the number of tasks that were able to be accomplised just by thinking it.

Hell i don't want to wait until i loose the use of my arms and legs to get one of those things i want one know.