Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Democrat's worse nightmare...

...Has just come true.

Source:""Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government and to the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush said during a joint news conference with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani."

So what are the dems going to criticize him for now. He is going to start an investigation, that panel is going to build a timeline (like the 9-11), and that panel is going to find out who did what, where they did it, and what they knew when they did it. Seeing how democrats were in charge of two out of the three levels which could have possibly responded to the hurricane, it looks like they would get hammered more in that investigation than anyone else.

I think the democrats overplayed their hand when they called for an investigation, there are too many eyes and different media outlets to allow them to get escape blame on this one. Admittly, the blame will be placed on local or state level democrats, but still that hurts the party in those areas.



Man of Issachar said...

Also the local levee board is also responsible for not upgrading the levees. I think they built a few cansios.

Secondly the local goverement did not excute their evacuation plan.

Thridly, the state govenment was slow in accepcting federal help.

President bush decalred the area an disaster zone either three days or two days before the hurricane hit.

Lastly, FEMA's job is not to act as first responders. It is the local government's job (A lot of homeland security money goes toward that goal.)

New Orleans had 40 years to prepare. I know if i had 40 years to prepare, i would surive any hurricane in style.

Also, as far as timly aid was concerned. It is widely expected that in a major disaster that you will be on you own for maybe up to a week. The people who went to the superdome were told to bring enough food and water for 3 to 5 days.

After the first few days I have not heard dems calling for an investigation. I think this is because they know they will get hurt more than it will cause damage to bush.

As far as brown goes, he got his experencie on the job last year.

"Under Secretary Brown has led Homeland Security’s response to more than 164 presidentially declared disasters and emergencies, including the 2003 Columbia Shuttle disaster and the California wildfires in 2003. In 2004, Mr. Brown led FEMA’s thousands of dedicated disaster workers during the most active hurricane season in over 100 years, as FEMA delivered aid more quickly and more efficiently than ever before."

The fact is that their is plenty of blame to pass around. Though when you look at the facts, bush is getting more than his share.

Man of Issachar said...

"The biggest criticism I have, and that I think will stick, is that his policy of loyalty first (Brown) resulted in a lot of people dying unecessarily."

You missed the point. It was not fema's job to save them. It was the first responders (ie state and local goverments). Blame the local frist, state second, and the federal goverment last. That is the blame excution order in this situtaion.

"The government (New Orleans specifically) did at least, in part, execute the evacuation plan. "

Except the part of the plan that was supposed to move the ones who where unable to get out of town.

Man of Issachar said...

"Once people were sheltered in the Superdome and the storm passed, it became a FEMA responsibility. "

Nope. The city told those people to bring enough food and water for 3-4 days. They were on their own.

And how does the responsiblity jump and completely miss one level of govenment (the state).

As you point out, "The city did provide open, accessible, public and free transportation to the Superdome for those people who were unable to get out of town."

And just because the City dropped those people off did not mean that they also left the responsblity. I do not think the superdome was the cities responsblity (because I think that they were on their own if they chose to stay in the city), but it sure was not FEMA's responsblity.

Now if the city had taken those people out of the state, i can see how it became a federal matter, but they didn't