Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Natural state of things

The fact that peace is spread in the middle east must be something special for all those old folks in the world who have never seen anything but tyranny in that area of the world. When the Berlin wall fell those same old folks were probably shocked and amazing at the USSR falling down.

I was nine when the Berlin wall fell, 11 when we defended Kuwait, 21 when the towers well, 22 when we freed those crazy afghans, 23 when we invaded Iraq. The times when bad things have happened are when the American army was not used to it's fullest but was held back for some reason.

To me and others my age it is normal for America to free the oppressed and it is normal for America to be the top dog. During my lifetime, America's army has been an overwhelming force for good in the world. AMERICA has been an overwhelming force for good in the world. To me, the natural state of things is that we are in control and we know what is best.

These constant successes could eventually undermine the arguments against using America's army for good and could over time increase the amount army is used.


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