Thursday, July 15, 2004

Aids, terrorism, and you

continued from an earlier post

"Despite what Randall Tobias says at this conference, experts and activists know that the U.S. approach is driven by neo-conservative economic and religious interests rather than good practice," said Simon Wright of British charity ActionAid.

It is driven by religious principles, though I don't see how neo-conservative economics plays their position. Though if you don't have sex (given health care is up to date) you won't get aids..So it seems to me that it is based on good practices.

Annan told the BBC the United States should show the same commitment to AIDS -- which has claimed 20 million lives and continues to infect 14,000 people a day -- as it shows in the battle against terrorism.

Or you could ask people to show their bodies respect and not have sex. That would stop aids in its tracks. Though in the end it is people's choices which leads to aids, it is not peoples choices whcih leads to getting blown up by terrorists.

Also it is ABC (Abstince, Being faithful, and condoms) against CNN (Condoms, Needles, and Negotiating Skills). ABC is the one that is the middle of the road. The most conservative approach is Abstince only, which ABC takes one of the points from CNN.

I would like to propose.
(Abstince, Negotiating Skills, Abstince, Negotiating Skills, Abstince, Negotiating Skills, Condoms, Negotiating Skills, Condoms, Negotiating Skills, Condoms, Negotiating Skills, No Needles, No Needles, No Needles, No Needles, No Needles)

I think this non partisan agenda would work well.
(Note: I am assuming that the needles were for drugs. Though if it is talking about health care it should be)

(Clean Needles, Abstince, Negotiating Skills, Abstince, Negotiating Skills, Abstince, Negotiating Skills, Condoms, Negotiating Skills, Condoms, Negotiating Skills, Condoms, Negotiating Skills, No Needles, No Needles, No Needles, No Needles, No Needles)

cube - solving the worlds problems one needless string of letters at a time.

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