Tuesday, August 03, 2004


"Now consider that a flat tax, national sales tax, or VAT would not only eliminate the need to do this, it could also eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) itself and make the process of paying taxes much easier."

I realized the problem that taxes are complicated a while back. I was thinking that reform was needed to simply the tax structure in America. I never though about completed revising the tax structure of America, this idea is amazing.

A lot of people will loose their jobs: IRS agents, tax attorneys, every person who makes his living doing the taxes of others.

The ease of increasing taxes: All you have to do is raise one number a small percent, not push a huge bill through congress.

The government funds will become even more cyclical than they are now.

A lot of people will loose their jobs: IRS agents, tax attorneys, every person who makes his living doing the taxes of others. The money that is saved will be impressive.

Food taxes can be canceled, so can taxes on basic electricity and water.

The government will be smaller.

Taxes will be paid by everyone, even terrorist who come to bomb us.

The taxes are fairer. Only taxed in one place, not two. The income, then when you spend the money.

One group of people that you can pick on for political gain is the rich, the other is the IRS

via Drudge


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