Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Just maybe...

Kerry has started taking stronger and stronger positions on the war on Terror and Iraq. In his acceptance speech he promised to increase the size of the military,and increase military spending.

The GOP says he is doing that to just get votes. What if that is not true?

For example, what if he is taking stronger positions on be war on terror, Iraq, and the military because the briefings he started getting scared the crap out of him. Then that would mean that Bush is right, and that Kerry is just now realizing the threats the country faces.

Do you want a person who is changing their views to get votes, or a person who is just now realizing the struggle that America is in?

I really don't want either of those people.



Andrew said...

What gives you the idea that Kerry is just now taking stronger positions? For all I know, he's articulating ideas that he's staunchly held since the primaries or even earlier. Now (during/after the convention) is the time that he'd most clearly be articulating his ideas, but that doesn't mean that he's just forming them.

Do you have any reasonable source of information that points out how this is a strictly position for him? I'm not saying your wrong, but I don't have the information to go along with you yet.

Man of Issachar said...

mainly his record on defense...

Of course he is saying he would vote more people, not more technology. but in his speech i remember him saying that he make sure they got the body armour they needed

Man of Issachar said...

though that was from a baised source, i think his record is clear on defense.

Man of Issachar said...

this article says he has changed since

"A "New Kerry?"

Since 1996, the John Kerry who once opposed the Apache helicopter and wanted to cut Tomahawk cruise-missile funds by 50% has evolved into a steady supporter of military budgets. Starting in 1997 Kerry voted for every regular Department of Defense appropriations bill and for every authorization bill as well."


Andrew said...

Regarding the last item:

Yeah. People do have different opinions as the world and their information sources develop... That, 7 years ago, while Bush had absolutely no relavant opinion on military spending or foreign policy, Kerry "realized the struggle America was in" doesn't really reflect on their relative merits.

How many other people changed their positions on these things between 1996 and 1997? Is it the whim of his constuency that he's reacting to, or an intellectual reassessment and shifting priorities? We can't know, but I'm not so cynical as to say prior.

The reporter quoted Kerry as conceding that some of his positions 20 years earlier were "ill-advised, and I think some of them are stupid in the context of the world we find ourselves in right now and the things that I've learned since then. . . . I mean, you learn as you go in life."

I deeply sympathize with that statement; much more so than the unyielding "I stand my actions" attitude of Bush.

Man of Issachar said...

i can understand his that his feelings evolve, but when they evolve to match a centralist position,it makes me suspect.

Also if his veiws evolve to match those of a man already in office, why should you change?

Andrew said...

So his ideas are supposed to compound themselves and become more extreme?!?! I should hope not.

And that his ideas in one context align with Bush's doesn't make him equivalent Bush. I don't see how you can go from:

Kerry has been strong on defense and military spending issues since 1997; Bush has been strong on defense as president since 2000.


Kerry is just believes in all the same things Bush does, or is bound to eventually; ergo, we may as well keep Bush.

I just don't see where you're coming from.

Man of Issachar said...

the most important think to me is defense of america.

"Kerry has been strong on defense and military spending issues since 1997; Bush has been strong on defense as president since 2000.


Kerry is just believes in all the same things Bush does, or is bound to eventually; ergo, we may as well keep Bush."

So if i where to accpet the argument that Kerry is strong on defense as some would have me to belive, the the below statments would make sense in the defence context talking about the defence issues. I did not mean to generalize out to all issues, just the defense one.